Holidays in the United Arab Emirates and important dates

The United Arab Emirates combines aspirations for the future and observance of traditions. One of these manifestations are religious holidays, which symbolize the veneration of ancestral traditions, faith in God and unite members of the community.

To understand all the features of the celebration, it is worth learn more on the site.

Features of determining holiday dates

The UAE is a modern state, where the chronology takes into account the Gregorian calendar and determines all dates according to it. However, Muslim traditions require the celebration of religious events according to the lunar calendar, so the dates of the main holidays are floating, the days change every year. This aspect should be taken into account when planning a trip to the country for tourism or business.

It is also necessary to take into account the difference in time zones. It is ahead of the Greenwich meridian by 4 hours, but in Sharjah and Dubai only by three. This fact should be kept in mind when planning events or visiting various events.

Among the main holiday events are:

  1. Eid al-Fitr, which is celebrated in late March or early April, depending on the year. It is the final period of the month of Ramadan. If the entire preceding period is devoted by the faithful to fasting, prayers, and spiritual reflection, then the last three days, in addition to collective prayers, are celebrated with feasts, dances, and other attributes of joyful events.
  2. Eid al-Adha is celebrated in early or mid-June. During this period, animal sacrifices are made, symbolizing faith in the Prophet and the willingness to give up the most important thing in life for it. One of the traditions during these days is charity towards the poor, a third of the animal meat is given to them so that they can also participate in the festive feast. Eid al-Adha is a holiday of spiritual reflection and strengthening of family ties. All members gather at one table and exchange gifts.

Planning options

A calendar calculator helps to correctly determine the date of celebrations in a particular year, where all dates are highlighted in the appropriate color. This will allow you to clearly plan your visit to the country, understand the mentality of its residents and better penetrate the spirit of the people, which will facilitate mutual understanding and help establish interaction.

It is also worth considering the program of celebrations, knowing the requirements for the behavior of guests so as not to violate traditions. This will be a tribute to politeness to the hosts.