The best hotel software: features and specifications

In the work of hotels, you need to pay attention to many different aspects of activity, starting with the accounting of guests, and ending with income from activities.

At the same time, there are many expenses in this system for different items, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of development, make timely adjustments, including room prices. The Universal System of accounting in Lodge Industry is the best way to handle this.

Application Features

This software is called the accounting system in the hotel industry, and is designed to conduct business in this business sector. Finoko offers an application for individual hotels or a chain of establishments. The software can perform the following actions:

  1. Automate the reporting that is accepted at the hotel, form any budgets for various items.
  2. Conduct daily monitoring of the hotel’s activities in different areas.
  3. Analyze income and expenses at various time intervals.
  4. Analyze key (KPIs) and any other indicators of the hotel’s activity.
  5. The system includes complete sets of reports on various issues covering all areas of the hotel’s work.


Among the main advantages of this system, it is worth highlighting:

  1. A unified structure of emerging and provided financial data is provided, which ensures standardization of work, eliminates inconsistencies in the indicators of various departments of the hotel.
  2. It helps to optimize individual processes and the entire operation of the hotel.
  3. Guarantees the accuracy of the data and all information provided.
  4. Helps to comply with all industry regulations and standards adopted in the hotel industry.

The system can be integrated with other programs, allowing you to create a management complex. It serves for the analysis and monitoring of activities, allows you to increase the profitability of a hotel or a chain of establishments.