The future is artificial intelligence in the UAE

The most developing technologies in the world are related to artificial intelligence. This area of ​​development provides advantages in almost all areas of activity and creates new industries and directions.

To understand how the UAE views this issue, it is worth finding out more information on the website

Development strategy

The United Arab Emirates is one of the countries where they pay special attention to innovation in any field and try to develop it at the highest level. In line with this trend, artificial intelligence is gaining priority.

Already, such technologies are being used to optimize traffic, improve medical diagnostics and introduce new forms in financial services.

However, to coordinate all efforts, a government organization, AIATC, was created in the form of a council headed by a minister. The task of this body is to work with local and global partners in the development and implementation of AI.

The work of the Council began in 2020 and is supervised by the President of the country. Among the objectives of the organization, it is worth highlighting the attraction of private and public investments in the development and implementation of technologies, the creation of conditions for cooperation in this area of ​​interested parties, companies, institutes, and institutions.

One of the main partners in this area for the United Arab Emirates is the United States. Friendly relations between states, America’s leadership in the field of AI, make it possible to organize a fruitful union where each country makes its contribution.

The country’s leadership is also aimed at attracting other states interested in developing similar issues, especially worth noting is the work with China.

Participation of universities and companies

Personnel training and specialist training is an important aspect of the development of any technologies and processes. The UAE has created its own Mohammed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. Here, specialists at the bachelor’s and doctoral level are trained, and the relevant knowledge is given to obtain a degree.

Among the branches of foreign universities, it is worth highlighting the department of the Sorbonne and the University of New York. They train specialists in their program, complementing the work of MBZUAI.
International companies SoluLab, ELEKS, IT CRAFT stand out in the field of software development and artificial intelligence technologies. They collaborate with firms and government agencies in the UAE to implement their developments in real production and other aspects of human activity.